Now some jazz records....

Beatles - Rubber Soul
Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Beatles - Abbey Road

Beatles - Let it Be
Beatles - Revolver
John Lennon - Shaved Fish

Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix

A couple of various artists, Adamo, Jacques Dutronc, Edith Piaf,
Charles Trenet, Juliette Greco.

All of the records in the rack are compilation records.

This week it is movie soundtrack time. Well, some movie soundtracks, and some compilation LPs with tracks used in movies. And Ennio Morricone takes the most space in the rack.

This week it's Russian folk time.... It could easily have been Boris Alexandrov (Alexandrow) time if I had more of these kind of records: 3 records in the rack were made by this ensemble, and a compilation record features a lot of his tunes.

This week I have some records in my rack that are electronic or futuristic (or were that in the past).

From the upperleft to the lower right:

This week the record rack shows a bunch of Asian records. Again I cheated somewhat because I only had 7 Asian records, so 2 other records at the bottom row are used as record rack filler.