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1993-08-03 1993 Radio Sessions

B-/ C
PJ Harvey - 1993 Radio Sessions
88 Lines About One Woman Radio Interview, KCRW, Modern Rock Live (1993-08-03, 1993-09-23, 1993-09-28)

1. Highway 61 Revisited
2. Wang Dang Doodle
3. O Stella
4. Dress
5. Sheela Na-Gig
6. Man-Size
7. Interview
8. Interview
9. Rid of Me (live & solo) 10. Interview (continues)
11. Dress (live & solo)
12. Interview (concludes)
13. Interview
14. Dress (live & solo)
15. Interview (continues)
16. Highway 61 Revisited (live & solo)
17. Interview (concludes)

Track 1- 6: Stadspark Nijmegen, NL, 03-08-93
Track 7: 88 Lines About One Woman: Radio Interview
Track 8-12: KCRW Morning Becomes Eclectic, 23-09-93 [probably webcast]
Track 13-17: Modern Rock Live FM Radio, 28-09-93

Quality: B/C